
Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30, 2012

6pm Class

Strength: Bench press 1RM
65x5, 85x3, 95x2, 105x1

WOD: Hope

I didn't do it... but it looks fun!!! Soon my dear friends.. once I heal from this past weekend!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

April 28, 2012


Holy crap! Took us just under 4 hours, I don't know exact time.

I look like I've been beaten- uber bruised and beat up.

12+ miles, 25+ obstacles. Trail run. Water obstacles. Lots of other obstacles.

Ran in VVFs- I still stand by that decision, although my feet are soooo sore. I was super cold, at least after mile 10 (that's when the crazy water obstacles hit). Prior to that I was fine- UA shorts and long sleeve top. Next time definitely long pants, no matter how warm it is outside. And gloves. Or something to keep my hands warm. I couldn't do the monkey bars or rings because my hands were so cramped. Booooo.

My clan was awesome. I'd  run with them any day.


Friday, April 27, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 23, 2012

6pm Class

WOD: Fight Gone Bad
- Push press
- Row
- Wall Ball
- Sumo deadlift high pull
- Box jump

Weight/Specs: 75#, row on 4, 15#@9', 75#, 20"
Result: 72, 73, 71= 216
Notes: 75# a bit heavy. Overall felt good. Not fast with wallballs, though. I really could have made up time there. And box jumps. I stepped off the whole time...

Strength: Push press week 1
70x5, 80x5, 90x7

Saturday, April 21, 2012

April 21, 2012

10:30am Class **At FiveStar :)
WOD: Partner WOD For time
- 800m run (each)
- 70 st leg sit ups (split)
- 60 off the wall ball (squat every time)
- 50 lunges (each)
- 40 pull ups (split, 5 and switch)
- 30 partner deadlift (lower 1RM)
- 20 burpees (over partner, burpee over burpee=1)

Weight/Specs: 14# ball, purple band, 215#
Result: 19:34
Notes: Really cool! Off the wall ball kinda sucked haha. Partner deadlift very interesting. Partner burpees were neat.

April 20, 2012

4pm Class

WOD: Deadlift 1RM
65x10, 135x5, 150x5x2, 175x3x3, 190x1, 200x1, 205x1, 210x1, 215x1

Results: 251#!!!!
Notes: Woop woop! AND I had good form. In fact, I probably could have gone up but then I'da sacrificed form and I didn't want that.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 19, 2012

6pm Class

WOD: 15 min AMRAP
- 15 wall ball
- Wicket jumps
- Lateral bear crawl

Weight: 15#
Result: 10 13/0/0
Notes: Overall, awesome. Lateral bear crawls were rough, esp with left side leading. Wall balls were good- able to keep threads of 5 at least with 15 # at 10'.

After Party: Core
- 3-way plate to right/center/left
- plate trunk twist, NOT touching ground
- 4-way knee to opposite elbow, knee to same elbow

Complete... Ugh! Haha.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 17, 2012

4pm Class

WOD: "Barbara"
- 20 pull ups
- 30 push ups
- 40 sit ups
- 50 air squats
- 3 min rest

Specs: purple band, knee push ups
Result: 34:57
Notes: Damn son. Totally wiped day after... Pull ups and push ups were by far the toughest. Very intense, I liked it though. I know I keep saying it, but I need to work on skills.

Speaking of, I did not work on doubles! With abductor hurt, I was ordered no jumping :( Back to the game soon though :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16, 2012


6pm Class

A- 3 RFT
- 200m
- 10 v-ups
- 10 KBS

B- 3RFT (cap is time from WOD A)
- 100m reverse
- 10 HSPU
- 10 Med ball cleans

Weight/Specs: row, 35#, 45# plate, 15#
Result: 5:04; 4:31
Notes: Awesome! Takes a bit longer to row than to run, but I need the practice. And quads smoked by end of med ball cleans. HSPU getting better, although I don't think I totally went down far enough every time...

ANNDDDD 26 birthday burpees!!! yay!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 14, 2012


Just realized I didn't post yet :)

So, awesome. I could legit do one of these EVERY weekend. I mean, I'd be banged up and bruised a lot, but whatev.

4ish miles. 20 some odd obstacles/terrain. Ran with Greg, Kate, and Maegan. We pushed through the obstacles, and kinda jogged the rest. Finished in 1:23, 89%. And didn't push hard, haha.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 12, 2012

6pm Class

Nothing. I did nothing. Well, kinda. I stretched, rolled, dead hangs, and coached the 7pm class. Rest rest rest, recoverrrrr. My abductor is not good and neither is my shoulder. And mud run is this weekend :-/

April 10, 2012

4pm Class

Strength: Clean and jerk
65, 85, 85, 105, 105, 95

WOD: Ladder for time
- Front squat
- Plate sit ups
- Wall ball

Weight: 65#, 10#, 15# @ 10'
Result: 8:08
Notes: Awesomeee. Shoulder is jacked though from last week. And abductor too. Waaahhh.

April 9, 2012

6pm Class

WOD: A: 7min cap, 3RFT
- 10 OHS
- 10 Double unders
- 10 Pull ups

B: 4min cap
-1000m run

Weight/Specs: 55#, doubles, purple band
Result: complete in under 7, and complete in 4:01
Notes: First round could have been quicker if I didn't break my jump rope :) Overall really liked it because both were quick and the first was complex.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

April 8, 2012

10am Run
With my big bro :)

51:21, 5.64 miles
Avg 9:07 (walked about 1/3 Mile after end of 5th mile, then sprinted last 300m)
Max 5:13 pace

Overall felt great! Right ankle kind of tight for beginning of run, I think b/c of driving. Calves kind of tight from not doing so many miles lately. Ran in new brooks. A-m-a-z-i-n-g!

Happy Easter :)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 5, 2012

6pm Class

- 200m Run
- 5 HSPU
- 10 Wallball
- 15 Deadlift

Weight/Specs: 45# plate, 15# wb, 95# DL
Result: 10:48
Notes: Not warm enough before starting. HSPU good. Wallball meh. DL pretty good. Back tight by last round. Really need to get warmer before class starts!

WOD 2 (coach Ian 3!)
- 10 sledge hammers on tire
- 10 T2B
- 15 push ups

Weight: 10#
Result: 6 something. Only completed 3 10/0/0...
Notes: After last round of sledge on left side, went to jump on bar and felt my left shoulder slip... BOO! Stopped there. No bueno. Ice ice babyy.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April 3, 2012

4pm Class

Strength: Push press 1RM
65x5, 75x2, 85x1, 95x1, 105x1, 115x1, 125xF, 120xF

Squat clean 1RM
95x2, 115x1, 125x1. BAM!

WOD: Team 5K for time
Me, Amanda, Kathy

Results: 12:45
Notes: I ran 2800m in 12:45. 2000 in 8:49. In new Brooks. Felt awesome. Annddddd I'm super pumped about squat cleans. I really got under the bar which made all the difference.

April 2, 2012

4pm Class

WOD: Part A: DL 1RM, 7min cap
Part B: 1000m- 4:30 min cap

Part C: 3 min AMRAP box jump

Weight/Specs: 155x5, 175x3, 175x3, 195x1, 205xFxa-whole-bunch-of-times :(; run, 20" box
Results: 15 reps max 195, 4:03, 56
Notes: Jumped in too quick for DL. Run felt great. Box jumps burn quads. Overall good workout!