
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

September 29, 2012

OMG I can't believe I haven't updated this yet! Lol.


WOD 1: For time:
- Bear crawl (Bridget)
- 50 Thrusters at 85lb (Denis)
- 75 bar facing burpees (Chris)
- 100 double unders (Me)

Result: 19:??. 
Notes: Everyone did fabulous but me. Womp womp. Took me 8 min to do the 100 doubles. Horrible. I should have done the burpees like originally planned. Oh well.

WOD 2: For weight: 7 min GTO
- each team member has 3 lifts, last member has 4. Must go in order

Result: Good question, ha! I did 105x2 (F one.)
Notes: Everyone (but me) did great. I was too far in my heels for the one lift and I blew it.

WOD 3: For time:
- 20x4x5 push ups
- 75 ACT Starfish with a 10lb and 25lb plate
- 25 wrestler spins per person- right, all members, left, all members
- 25x4x2 jumping air squats

Result: 74 jumping squats
Notes: spins make you mad dizzy! Fun though. I actually kinda liked this one. Push ups took the longest. By far.

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