
Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 26

3 eggs, 3oz mushrooms, 1/2 cup spinach, 1/4 avocado, 1 tbs olive oil
2400mg fish oil
16oz tea
16oz tea (mid morning)
3 cups lettuce, 1/3 green pepper, 5 olives, 3oz sardines in tomato sauce, 2 tbs balsamic vinegar, 1/4 avocado
500mL water
1 naval orange, 3oz mixed nuts
1 cup water
Post WOD
2 scoops protein powder, 500mL water
Side salad with lettuce, 2 slices cuke, 2 cherry tomatoes, 2 olives, and oil and vinegar dressing
12oz Delmonico steak with sliced portobellos, sauteed tomatoes, and prosciutto, in a demi-glaze with 2/3 cup steamed vegetables
8oz Cab/Merlot blend
16oz water

4pm Class

WODs: 12.2
10 Min AMRAP Snatch ladder
- 30 @ 45#
- 30 @ 75#
- 30 @ 100#
- Max @ 120#

Result: 33
Notes: I got 3 at 75#! PR for weight. Not the prettiest snatches, more like muscled up, but whatev. Haha. I can do 65 almost no problem. But I don't get under the bar. I NEED to work on drop. With legs...

For time:
- 15 HSPU
- 25 T2B
- 50 Push ups
- 800m run
- 50 Push ups
- 25 T2B
- 15 HSPU

Specs: 45 & 10# plates, regular push ups
Result: 20:36
Notes: Holy shoulders, esp after snatch work out. Push ups were tough, but I got through em. Need to work on grip for toes to bar. Well, for anything really.

Crossfit break for about a week. Traveling for work, need to rest the body. Hammy is feeling better, but after tonight probably back inflamed a bit. I'll miss youuuu!

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