
Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 135, Activity

6pm class

Strength: back squat week 3
100x5, 110x3, 125x5
Use more control going down so I can reload coming back up

WOD: for time
10 front squat
15 toes to bar
20 double unders
25 KBS
30 wallball
25 KBS
20 DU
15 TTB
10 front squat

Weight/specs: 45# plate HSPU, 75# FS, 26# KBS, 14# WB
Result: 12:54
Notes: very cool! I hit almost every one of my wallballs, but didn't string any together. I was going into almost a full squat for KBS; don't need to go as low. Double understand sucked; really need to work on them. Remember to keep elbows "pinched" on front squat.

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