
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 23, Activity

5:30 Class

Warm up day 5: Snatch, OHS, KSB.
SNATCH: jump! remember to jump at full extension, let stance widen, and drop yourself under the bar as you pull.

Strength: OHS Wendler week 1. 55#x5, 65#x5, 75#x5+2=7
Work on active shoulders and get wraps for wrists- hard to keep grip b/c of cyst

WOD: "Rankel"- 20 minute AMRAP
- 6 Deadlift
- 7 Burpee pull up (GI Janes)
- 10 KBS
- 200M run

Weight/specs: 75#, jumping pull up, 26# KBS
Result: 6 6/1/0/0
Notes: I went a little lighter on weight to get more rounds/reps in. In hindsight I could have gone higher on DL and still gotten the amount of reps. Sore of Monday so higher on KBS and I feel that I would have totally lost form. The run felt great.

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